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60,000+ clients have already chosen Mchost

Agreement and licenses for successful cooperation

Mchost has developed a package of documents for the provision of services to individuals and legal entities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Cooperation with individuals is regulated by a public offer, with legal entities — by an official contract on paper.

A public offer in accordance with Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation does not require signing by both parties. Full and unconditional acceptance (acceptance) of the terms of the public offer is considered to be registration in the accounting system from the Mchost WWW server.

Contract of the parties (for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs)

Labor Special Evaluation

User personal data protection measures

In order to protect the confidentiality of data of users, Mchost LLC:

  1. does not provide consulting support and does not provide any personal information by phone due to the impossibility of full identification of any subscriber who applied to the company;
  2. provides any information on requests generated only via the account control panel, or in response to a letter from the contact email address from the registration data.

The protection of personal data of users is carried out in strict accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” dated July 27, 2006.

Personal data policy

Notification about the change of details 25.01.2022

Cookie policy

Sending closing documents

The transfer of electronic documents is carried out in compliance with all legal requirements through the operator of electronic document management accredited by the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation AO 'PF'SKB Kontur' using Diadoc software.

Sending documents through the Kontur Diadoc system is the main way to provide documents.

Our ID: 2BM-7721698218-772101001-201503241005257137909

Alternatively you can choose:

Posting documents is a pre-paid service and is reconciled by accounting documents or an online receipt. A tracking number will be provided. VAT exempt.