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Domain zone Sign up/Renewal
Domain zone Sign up/Renewal
.RU 200 a (≈ $2.29) / 490 a (≈ $5.6)
.NET 1701 a (≈ $19.44) / 2210 a (≈ $25.26)
.BIZ 2058 a (≈ $23.52) / 2320 a (≈ $26.51)
.ORG 1770 a (≈ $20.23) / 1950 a (≈ $22.29)
.INFO 2978 a (≈ $34.03)
.COM 1977 a (≈ $22.59) / 2270 a (≈ $25.94)
.TV 5630 a (≈ $64.34)
.WS 3553 a (≈ $40.61)
Domain zone Sign up/Renewal
.АБАКАН.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.АВТО.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.АЗ 1644 a (≈ $18.79)
.АЛМ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.АЛТАЙ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.АНАДЫРЬ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.АСТАНА.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.АСТРАХАНЬ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.АХГ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.БАКУ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.БАРНАУЛ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.БЕЛ 2564 a (≈ $29.3)
.БЕЛ.РУС 109 a (≈ $1.25) / 159 a (≈ $1.82)
.БЕЛГОРОД.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.БИЗ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.БИРОБИДЖАН.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.БИШКЕК.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.БЛАГО.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.БЛАГОВЕЩЕНСК.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.БОБРУЙСК.РУС 109 a (≈ $1.25) / 159 a (≈ $1.82)
.БРЕСТ.РУС 109 a (≈ $1.25) / 159 a (≈ $1.82)
.БРЯНСК.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.БУРЯТИЯ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ВЕЛИКИЙНОВГОРОД.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ВИЛЬНЮС.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ВИТЕБСК.РУС 109 a (≈ $1.25) / 159 a (≈ $1.82)
.ВЛАДИВОСТОК.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ВЛАДИКАВКАЗ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ВЛАДИМИР.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ВОЛГА.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ВОЛГОГРАД.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ВОЛОГДА.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ВОРОНЕЖ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ГОМЕЛЬ.РУС 109 a (≈ $1.25) / 159 a (≈ $1.82)
.ГРОДНО.РУС 109 a (≈ $1.25) / 159 a (≈ $1.82)
.ГРОЗНЫЙ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ДЕТИ 931 a (≈ $10.64)
.ЕКТ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ЕРЕВАН.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ИВАНОВО.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ИЖЕВСК.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ИРКУТСК.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.КАЗАНЬ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.КАЛИНИНГРАД.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.КАЛУГА.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.КЕМЕРОВО.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.КИЕВ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.КИРОВ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.КИШИНЕВ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.КОМ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.КОМ.РФ 119 a (≈ $1.36)
.КОМИ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.КОСТРОМА.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.КРАСНОДАР.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.КРАСНОЯРСК.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.КРЫМ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.КУРГАН.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.КУРСК.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.КЫЗЫЛ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ЛИПЕЦК.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.МАГАДАН.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.МАГАС.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.МАЙКОП.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.МАРИЙЭЛ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.МАРИЭЛ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.МАХАЧКАЛА.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.МЕД.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.МИНСК.РУС 109 a (≈ $1.25)
.МИР.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.МОГИЛЁВ.РУС 109 a (≈ $1.25) / 159 a (≈ $1.82)
.МОСКВА 525 a (≈ $6)
.МСК.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.МУЗЕЙ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.МУРМАНСК.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.НАЛЬЧИК.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.НАРЬЯН-МАР.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.НВС.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.НЕТ.РФ 119 a (≈ $1.36)
.НН.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.НОВОСИБИРСК.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ОМСК.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ОНЛАЙН 4404 a (≈ $50.33)
.ОРЁЛ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ОРГ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ОРГ.РФ 119 a (≈ $1.36)
.ОРЕНБУРГ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ПЕНЗА.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ПЕРМЬ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ПЕТРОЗАВОДСК.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ПСКОВ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ПЯТИГОРСК.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.РИГА.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.РОСТОВ-НА-ДОНУ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.РСТВ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.РУС 249 a (≈ $2.85) / 590 a (≈ $6.74)
.РФ 200 a (≈ $2.29) / 490 a (≈ $5.6)
.РЯЗАНЬ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.САЙТ 4404 a (≈ $50.33)
.САЛЕХАРД.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.САМАРА.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.САРАНСК.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.САРАТОВ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.СЕВАСТОПОЛЬ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.СИБИРЬ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.СИМФЕРОПОЛЬ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.СМОЛЕНСК.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.СОЧИ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.СПБ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.СТАВРОПОЛЬ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ТАЛЛИН.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ТАМБОВ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ТАШКЕНТ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ТВЕРЬ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ТЕАТР.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ТОМСК.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ТУЛА.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ТУР.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ТЮМЕНЬ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.УКР 2840 a (≈ $32.46)
.УЛЬЯНОВСК.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.УФА.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ХАБАРОВСК.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ЧЕБОКСАРЫ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ЧЕЛЯБИНСК.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ЧЕРКЕССК.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ЧИТА.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ШКОЛА.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ЭЛИСТА.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ЮГРА.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.Я.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ЯКУТСК.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ЯРОСЛАВЛЬ.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.001.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.002.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.003.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.004.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.005.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.006.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.007.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.008.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.009.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.010.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.011.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.012.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.013.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.014.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.015.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.016.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.017.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.018.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.019.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.021.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.022.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.023.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.024.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.025.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.026.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.027.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.028.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.029.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.030.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.031.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.032.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.033.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.034.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.035.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.036.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.037.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.038.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.039.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.040.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.041.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.042.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.043.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.044.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.045.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.046.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.047.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.048.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.049.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.050.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.051.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.052.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.053.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.054.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.055.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.056.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.057.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.058.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.059.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.060.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.061.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.062.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.063.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.064.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.065.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.066.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.067.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.068.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.069.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.070.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.071.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.072.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.073.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.074.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.075.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.076.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.077.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.078.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.079.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.082.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.083.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.086.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.087.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.089.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.092.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.094.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.095.РУС 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.ABKHAZIA.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.ACADEMY 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.ACCOUNTANT 4174 a (≈ $47.7)
.ACCOUNTANTS 13490 a (≈ $154.17)
.ACTOR 5267 a (≈ $60.19)
.ADULT 15984 a (≈ $182.67)
.ADYGEYA.RU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.ADYGEYA.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.AE.ORG 2909 a (≈ $33.25)
.AERO 7360 a (≈ $84.11)
.AGENCY 3150 a (≈ $36)
.AKTYUBINSK.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.APARTMENTS 7440 a (≈ $85.03)
.ARKHANGELSK.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.ARMENIA.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.ART 4036 a (≈ $46.13)
.ASHGABAD.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.ASIA 2730 a (≈ $31.2)
.ASSOCIATES 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.AT 3415 a (≈ $39.03)
.AUCTION 4749 a (≈ $54.27)
.AUDIO 19308 a (≈ $220.66)
.AZERBAIJAN.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.BALASHOV.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.BAND 3080 a (≈ $35.2)
.BAR 9223 a (≈ $105.41)
.BARGAINS 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.BASHKIRIA.RU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.BASHKIRIA.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.BEAUTY 2150 a (≈ $24.57)
.BEER 4620 a (≈ $52.8)
.BEST 3024 a (≈ $34.56)
.BID 4174 a (≈ $47.7)
.BIKE 3840 a (≈ $43.89)
.BINGO 7440 a (≈ $85.03)
.BIR.RU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.BIZ 2058 a (≈ $23.52) / 2320 a (≈ $26.51)
.BLACK 8832 a (≈ $100.94)
.BLACKFRIDAY 19308 a (≈ $220.66)
.BLUE 3047 a (≈ $34.82)
.BOUTIQUE 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.BR.COM 6577 a (≈ $75.17)
.BROKER 4416 a (≈ $50.47)
.BRYANSK.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.BUILDERS 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.BUKHARA.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.BUSINESS 3541 a (≈ $40.47)
.BY 2369 a (≈ $27.07)
.BZ 4738 a (≈ $54.15)
.CAB 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.CAFE 4312 a (≈ $49.28)
.CAMERA 5428 a (≈ $62.03)
.CAMP 6623 a (≈ $75.69)
.CAPITAL 6470 a (≈ $73.94)
.CARDS 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.CARE 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.CAREERS 7129 a (≈ $81.47)
.CASH 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.CASINO 22781 a (≈ $260.35)
.CATERING 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.CBG.RU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.CC 4036 a (≈ $46.13)
.CENTER 2737 a (≈ $31.28)
.CH 2570 a (≈ $29.37)
.CHAT 4749 a (≈ $54.27)
.CHEAP 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.CHIMKENT.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.CHRISTMAS 7716 a (≈ $88.18)
.CHURCH 4358 a (≈ $49.81)
.CITY 3080 a (≈ $35.2)
.CLAIMS 7129 a (≈ $81.47)
.CLEANING 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.CLICK 2185 a (≈ $24.97)
.CLINIC 6681 a (≈ $76.35)
.CLOTHING 3890 a (≈ $44.46)
.CLUB 2340 a (≈ $26.74)
.CN.COM 3104 a (≈ $35.47) / 7566 a (≈ $86.47)
.COACH 7658 a (≈ $87.52)
.CODES 6681 a (≈ $76.35)
.COFFEE 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.COLLEGE 10327 a (≈ $118.02)
.COM 1977 a (≈ $22.59) / 2270 a (≈ $25.94)
.COMMUNITY 4232 a (≈ $48.37)
.COMPANY 2610 a (≈ $29.83)
.COMPUTER 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.CONDOS 6681 a (≈ $76.35)
.CONSTRUCTION 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.CONSULTING 4347 a (≈ $49.68)
.CONTRACTORS 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.COOKING 4060 a (≈ $46.4)
.COOL 3967 a (≈ $45.34)
.COUPONS 6899 a (≈ $78.85)
.CREDIT 13490 a (≈ $154.17)
.CREDITCARD 19810 a (≈ $226.4)
.CRICKET 11798 a (≈ $134.83)
.CRUISES 6681 a (≈ $76.35)
.DAGESTAN.RU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.DAGESTAN.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.DANCE 3334 a (≈ $38.1)
.DATE 4370 a (≈ $49.94)
.DATING 6470 a (≈ $73.94)
.DE.COM 3783 a (≈ $43.23)
.DEALS 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.DEGREE 8521 a (≈ $97.38)
.DELIVERY 7658 a (≈ $87.52)
.DENTAL 6681 a (≈ $76.35)
.DENTIST 6612 a (≈ $75.57)
.DESI 2300 a (≈ $26.29)
.DESIGN 6439 a (≈ $73.59)
.DIAMONDS 6681 a (≈ $76.35)
.DIET 19308 a (≈ $220.66)
.DIGITAL 4350 a (≈ $49.71)
.DIRECT 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.DIRECTORY 2909 a (≈ $33.25)
.DISCOUNT 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.DOG 7060 a (≈ $80.69)
.DOMAINS 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.DOWNLOAD 4174 a (≈ $47.7)
.EAST-KAZAKHSTAN.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.EDUCATION 3150 a (≈ $36)
.EMAIL 3576 a (≈ $40.87)
.ENERGY 15513 a (≈ $177.29)
.ENGINEER 4430 a (≈ $50.63)
.ENGINEERING 7129 a (≈ $81.47)
.ENTERPRISES 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.EQUIPMENT 2989 a (≈ $34.16)
.ESTATE 3978 a (≈ $45.46)
.EU.COM 3783 a (≈ $43.23)
.EVENTS 4001 a (≈ $45.73)
.EXCHANGE 3886 a (≈ $44.41)
.EXNET.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.EXPERT 6738 a (≈ $77.01)
.EXPOSED 2989 a (≈ $34.16)
.EXPRESS 4312 a (≈ $49.28)
.FAIL 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.FAITH 4370 a (≈ $49.94)
.FAMILY 4047 a (≈ $46.25)
.FANS 1644 a (≈ $18.79)
.FARM 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.FASHION 4669 a (≈ $53.36)
.FINANCE 7220 a (≈ $82.51)
.FINANCIAL 6681 a (≈ $76.35)
.FISH 4232 a (≈ $48.37)
.FISHING 4060 a (≈ $46.4)
.FIT 4749 a (≈ $54.27)
.FITNESS 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.FLIGHTS 6681 a (≈ $76.35)
.FLORIST 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.FLOWERS 19308 a (≈ $220.66)
.FO 10729 a (≈ $122.62)
.FOOTBALL 3541 a (≈ $40.47)
.FOREX 6313 a (≈ $72.15)
.FORSALE 4968 a (≈ $56.78)
.FOUNDATION 4232 a (≈ $48.37)
.FUN 4036 a (≈ $46.13)
.FUND 7129 a (≈ $81.47)
.FURNITURE 7129 a (≈ $81.47)
.FUTBOL 1890 a (≈ $21.6)
.FYI 3541 a (≈ $40.47)
.GALLERY 2610 a (≈ $29.83)
.GAMES 3150 a (≈ $36)
.GARDEN 4669 a (≈ $53.36)
.GB.NET 5152 a (≈ $58.88)
.GD 5428 a (≈ $62.03)
.GEORGIA.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.GIFT 2890 a (≈ $33.03)
.GIFTS 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.GIVES 3840 a (≈ $43.89)
.GLASS 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.GLOBAL 10603 a (≈ $121.18)
.GOLD 15513 a (≈ $177.29)
.GOLF 7221 a (≈ $82.53)
.GR.COM 2875 a (≈ $32.86)
.GRAPHICS 2989 a (≈ $34.16)
.GRATIS 3645 a (≈ $41.66)
.GREEN 11546 a (≈ $131.95)
.GRIPE 4093 a (≈ $46.78)
.GROZNY.RU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.GROZNY.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.GUIDE 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.GUITARS 19308 a (≈ $220.66)
.GURU 4347 a (≈ $49.68)
.HAIR 2150 a (≈ $24.57)
.HAUS 3530 a (≈ $40.34)
.HEALTHCARE 7129 a (≈ $81.47)
.HELP 4634 a (≈ $52.96)
.HIPHOP 16859 a (≈ $192.67)
.HOCKEY 6704 a (≈ $76.62)
.HOLDINGS 6470 a (≈ $73.94)
.HOLIDAY 6681 a (≈ $76.35)
.HORSE 4060 a (≈ $46.4)
.HOST 13512 a (≈ $154.42)
.HOSTING 55360 a (≈ $632.69)
.HOUSE 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.HU.NET 5979 a (≈ $68.33)
.IMMO 4749 a (≈ $54.27)
.INDUSTRIES 4232 a (≈ $48.37)
.INFO 2978 a (≈ $34.03)
.INK 3691 a (≈ $42.18)
.INSTITUTE 2989 a (≈ $34.16)
.INSURE 7129 a (≈ $81.47)
.INTERNATIONAL 3150 a (≈ $36)
.INVESTMENTS 13490 a (≈ $154.17)
.IO 9027 a (≈ $103.17)
.IVANOVO.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.JAMBYL.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.JEWELRY 7072 a (≈ $80.82)
.JP.COM 6313 a (≈ $72.15)
.JP.NET 2150 a (≈ $24.57)
.JPN.COM 5382 a (≈ $61.51)
.KALMYKIA.RU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.KALMYKIA.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.KALUGA.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.KARACOL.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.KARAGANDA.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.KARELIA.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.KAUFEN 3576 a (≈ $40.87)
.KHAKASSIA.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.KITCHEN 6623 a (≈ $75.69)
.KRASNODAR.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.KURGAN.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.KUSTANAI.RU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.KUSTANAI.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.KZ 1750 a (≈ $20)
.LA 6313 a (≈ $72.15)
.LAND 3967 a (≈ $45.34)
.LC 4117 a (≈ $47.05)
.LEASE 6681 a (≈ $76.35)
.LEGAL 7658 a (≈ $87.52)
.LENUG.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.LGBT 4680 a (≈ $53.49)
.LI 2790 a (≈ $31.89)
.LIFE 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.LIGHTING 2989 a (≈ $34.16)
.LIMITED 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.LIMO 6681 a (≈ $76.35)
.LINK 1472 a (≈ $16.82)
.LIVE 4047 a (≈ $46.25)
.LOAN 4174 a (≈ $47.7)
.LOANS 13490 a (≈ $154.17)
.LOL 4531 a (≈ $51.78)
.LUXURY 5048 a (≈ $57.69)
.MAKEUP 2150 a (≈ $24.57)
.MANAGEMENT 2989 a (≈ $34.16)
.MANGYSHLAK.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.MARINE.RU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.MARKET 3576 a (≈ $40.87)
.MARKETING 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.MARKETS 2265 a (≈ $25.89)
.MBA 4749 a (≈ $54.27)
.ME 2633 a (≈ $30.09)
.MEDIA 4450 a (≈ $50.86)
.MEMORIAL 7658 a (≈ $87.52)
.MEN 4485 a (≈ $51.26)
.MENU 5000 a (≈ $57.14)
.MN 7720 a (≈ $88.23)
.MOBI 3860 a (≈ $44.11)
.MODA 4060 a (≈ $46.4)
.MONEY 4749 a (≈ $54.27)
.MONSTER 1897 a (≈ $21.68)
.MORDOVIA.RU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.MORDOVIA.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.MORTGAGE 7474 a (≈ $85.42)
.MOSCOW 525 a (≈ $6)
.MOVIE 44500 a (≈ $508.57)
.MSK.RU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.MSK.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.MURMANSK.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.MYTIS.RU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.NALCHIK.RU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.NALCHIK.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.NAME 1250 a (≈ $14.29)
.NAVOI.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.NET 1701 a (≈ $19.44) / 2210 a (≈ $25.26)
.NET.RU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.NETWORK 3541 a (≈ $40.47)
.NEWS 4047 a (≈ $46.25)
.NORTH-KAZAKHSTAN.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.NOV.RU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.NOV.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.OBNINSK.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.ONL 2794 a (≈ $31.93)
.ONLINE 5048 a (≈ $57.69)
.OOO 4510 a (≈ $51.54)
.ORG 1770 a (≈ $20.23) / 1950 a (≈ $22.29)
.ORG.RU 563 a (≈ $6.43)
.PARTNERS 6470 a (≈ $73.94)
.PARTS 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.PARTY 4340 a (≈ $49.6)
.PENZA.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.PET 2921 a (≈ $33.38)
.PHOTO 4320 a (≈ $49.37)
.PHOTOGRAPHY 3150 a (≈ $36)
.PHOTOS 2610 a (≈ $29.83)
.PICS 4634 a (≈ $52.96)
.PICTURES 1610 a (≈ $18.4)
.PINK 2921 a (≈ $33.38)
.PIZZA 8303 a (≈ $94.89)
.PL 1874 a (≈ $21.42) / 3277 a (≈ $37.45)
.PLACE 4050 a (≈ $46.29)
.PLUMBING 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.PLUS 5405 a (≈ $61.77)
.POKER 8579 a (≈ $98.05)
.POKROVSK.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.PP.RU 529 a (≈ $6.05)
.PRESS 8981 a (≈ $102.64)
.PRO 3208 a (≈ $36.66) / 3415 a (≈ $39.03)
.PRODUCTIONS 4232 a (≈ $48.37)
.PROPERTIES 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.PROPERTY 19308 a (≈ $220.66)
.PROTECTION 334150 a (≈ $3818.86)
.PUB 3357 a (≈ $38.37)
.PW 3472 a (≈ $39.68)
.PYATIGORSK.RU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.QUEST 2150 a (≈ $24.57)
.RACING 4174 a (≈ $47.7)
.RECIPES 7129 a (≈ $81.47)
.RED 2921 a (≈ $33.38)
.REHAB 5094 a (≈ $58.22)
.REISEN 3645 a (≈ $41.66)
.RENT 10327 a (≈ $118.02)
.RENTALS 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.REPAIR 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.REPORT 2599 a (≈ $29.7)
.REST 4577 a (≈ $52.31)
.RESTAURANT 7129 a (≈ $81.47)
.REVIEW 4370 a (≈ $49.94)
.REVIEWS 3357 a (≈ $38.37)
.RIP 2403 a (≈ $27.46)
.ROCKS 2150 a (≈ $24.57)
.RODEO 4060 a (≈ $46.4)
.RU 200 a (≈ $2.29) / 490 a (≈ $5.6)
.RU.COM 18929 a (≈ $216.33)
.RU.NET 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.RUN 2794 a (≈ $31.93)
.SA.COM 5382 a (≈ $61.51)
.SALE 4749 a (≈ $54.27)
.SCHOOL 4968 a (≈ $56.78)
.SCHULE 3080 a (≈ $35.2)
.SCIENCE 4968 a (≈ $56.78)
.SE.NET 5336 a (≈ $60.98)
.SECURITY 334150 a (≈ $3818.86)
.SERVICES 4232 a (≈ $48.37)
.SEXY 4577 a (≈ $52.31)
.SHOES 6876 a (≈ $78.58)
.SHOP 4922 a (≈ $56.25)
.SHOW 4749 a (≈ $54.27)
.SINGLES 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.SITE 5324 a (≈ $60.85)
.SKIN 2150 a (≈ $24.57)
.SOCCER 3323 a (≈ $37.98)
.SOCHI.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.SOCIAL 4240 a (≈ $48.46)
.SOFTWARE 5094 a (≈ $58.22)
.SOLAR 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.SOLUTIONS 3150 a (≈ $36)
.SPACE 4036 a (≈ $46.13)
.SPB.RU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.SPB.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.STORAGE 98260 a (≈ $1122.97)
.STORE 8360 a (≈ $95.54)
.STUDIO 4047 a (≈ $46.25)
.STYLE 4749 a (≈ $54.27)
.SU 500 a (≈ $5.71)
.SUPPLIES 2989 a (≈ $34.16)
.SUPPLY 2989 a (≈ $34.16)
.SUPPORT 3150 a (≈ $36)
.SURF 4620 a (≈ $52.8)
.SURGERY 6681 a (≈ $76.35)
.SYSTEMS 3150 a (≈ $36)
.TASHKENT.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.TATAR 609 a (≈ $6.96)
.TATTOO 6945 a (≈ $79.37)
.TAX 7129 a (≈ $81.47)
.TAXI 6704 a (≈ $76.62)
.TEAM 4749 a (≈ $54.27)
.TECHNOLOGY 3150 a (≈ $36)
.TEL 1640 a (≈ $18.74)
.TENNIS 7440 a (≈ $85.03)
.TERMEZ.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.THEATER 6704 a (≈ $76.62)
.THEATRE 98260 a (≈ $1122.97)
.TIPS 3150 a (≈ $36)
.TIRES 14857 a (≈ $169.79)
.TODAY 2921 a (≈ $33.38)
.TOGLIATTI.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.TOOLS 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.TOURS 7221 a (≈ $82.53)
.TOWN 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.TOYS 6623 a (≈ $75.69)
.TRADE 3035 a (≈ $34.69)
.TRADING 2518 a (≈ $28.78)
.TRAINING 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.TRAVEL 15444 a (≈ $176.5)
.TROITSK.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.TSELINOGRAD.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.TULA.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.TUVA.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.TV 5630 a (≈ $64.34)
.UK.COM 5336 a (≈ $60.98)
.UK.NET 5336 a (≈ $60.98)
.UNIVERSITY 6681 a (≈ $76.35)
.UNO 3024 a (≈ $34.56)
.US.COM 2909 a (≈ $33.25)
.US.ORG 2909 a (≈ $33.25)
.VACATIONS 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.VC 5531 a (≈ $63.21)
.VENTURES 6470 a (≈ $73.94)
.VG 5428 a (≈ $62.03)
.VIDEO 4047 a (≈ $46.25)
.VILLAS 6470 a (≈ $73.94)
.VISION 4232 a (≈ $48.37)
.VLADIKAVKAZ.RU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.VLADIKAVKAZ.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.VLADIMIR.RU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.VLADIMIR.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.VODKA 3870 a (≈ $44.23)
.VOLOGDA.SU 220 a (≈ $2.51)
.VOTE 11913 a (≈ $136.15)
.VOTING 13512 a (≈ $154.42)
.VOYAGE 6470 a (≈ $73.94)
.WATCH 4358 a (≈ $49.81)
.WEBCAM 4174 a (≈ $47.7)
.WEBSITE 5106 a (≈ $58.35)
.WEDDING 4876 a (≈ $55.73)
.WIKI 3691 a (≈ $42.18)
.WIN 4174 a (≈ $47.7)
.WN5.RU 139 a (≈ $1.59) / 110 a (≈ $1.26)
.WORK 1104 a (≈ $12.62)
.WORKS 4358 a (≈ $49.81)
.WORLD 4749 a (≈ $54.27)
.WS 3553 a (≈ $40.61)
.WTF 4130 a (≈ $47.2)
.XYZ 1805 a (≈ $20.63)
.YOGA 5313 a (≈ $60.72)
.ZA.COM 7233 a (≈ $82.66)
.ZONE 4130 a (≈ $47.2)

The price of international domains changes daily due to the exchange rate. Check the current price in your personal account.

Ordering domains is carried out from the control panel

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Buy a domain and hosting for a website

To create a website, webmasters require standard services: purchasing hosting and registering a domain. Hosting is needed to store information about the site on a server permanently connected to the network, and a domain is needed to identify the site on the Internet. These services can be purchased together from the same provider or separately from different companies. In “Makhost” you can register a domain name and order web hosting inexpensively. The price is based on the selected zone and tariff plan. The domain in the zone is provided free of charge.

There is a promotion: by paying for shared hosting (except for Constructor and Mac-3 tariffs) and VPS/VDS for a period of 12–24 months in advance, you get free registration or renewal of one domain name in the РФ or RU zones of your choice. Other bonuses:

  • discounts up to 24% when paying for hosting for a long period;
  • a month as a gift when transferring sites from another provider.

Detailed conditions are described on the Promotions page.

Basic rules for domain registration

  • The domain name must start and end with a Latin letter or a number. Intermediate characters can be letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers, hyphens. In РФ zone, only Cyrillic letters, numbers, hyphens are allowed.
  • The table shows for registration and renewal prices for 1 year.
  • When registering a domain name, all rights to its use belong to the client.
  • You take the form of a charter of registrants rights and responsibilities.

What is required for registration

If you are already our client, then register a domain in your control panel. If you need to register a domain without our hosting services, then sign up at the Constructor plan. More than 50 different zones are available to our clients, suitable for the implementation of projects of any subject and complexity. You can register any number of domains regardless of the selected plan.

See also


  • How can I auto-renew a domain?

    Enabling or disabling auto-renewal occurs in the “Services” section in the “Operations”, “Auto-renewal”, column. You can only renew a domain if it is registered through our company or has been transferred under our control. Otherwise, you need to renew your domain registration through the company where it was registered. The function works only if the required amount is available on the account balance.

  • How long does the domain registration take?

    Registration is almost instantaneous, but it starts working within 4-24 hours.

  • Who is the domain name registered to?

    Domains are registered to the client's data, which is indicated in the owner's profile. The client can register domains for various data and for this you need to add several profiles in the control panel: “Services management” — “Domain Owner details”.

  • Is the domain reserved right after the order is placed?

    No. There are currently no reservations available. The domain is registered only after payment for its registration.

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