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Domain zone | Sign up/Renewal |
Domain zone | Sign up/Renewal |
.RU | 200 a (≈ $2.29) / 490 a (≈ $5.6) |
.NET | 1931 a (≈ $22.07) / 2510 a (≈ $28.69) |
.BIZ | 2334 a (≈ $26.67) / 2630 a (≈ $30.06) |
.ORG | 2010 a (≈ $22.97) / 2210 a (≈ $25.26) |
.INFO | 3668 a (≈ $41.92) |
.COM | 2254 a (≈ $25.76) / 2580 a (≈ $29.49) |
.TV | 6390 a (≈ $73.03) |
.WS | 4036 a (≈ $46.13) |
Domain zone | Sign up/Renewal |
.АБАКАН.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.АВТО.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.АЗ | 1862 a (≈ $21.28) |
.АЛМ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.АЛТАЙ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.АНАДЫРЬ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.АСТАНА.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.АСТРАХАНЬ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.АХГ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.БАКУ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.БАРНАУЛ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.БЕЛ | 2909 a (≈ $33.25) |
.БЕЛ.РУС | 109 a (≈ $1.25) / 159 a (≈ $1.82) |
.БЕЛГОРОД.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.БИЗ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.БИРОБИДЖАН.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.БИШКЕК.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.БЛАГО.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.БЛАГОВЕЩЕНСК.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.БОБРУЙСК.РУС | 109 a (≈ $1.25) / 159 a (≈ $1.82) |
.БРЕСТ.РУС | 109 a (≈ $1.25) / 159 a (≈ $1.82) |
.БРЯНСК.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.БУРЯТИЯ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ВЕЛИКИЙНОВГОРОД.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ВИЛЬНЮС.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ВИТЕБСК.РУС | 109 a (≈ $1.25) / 159 a (≈ $1.82) |
.ВЛАДИВОСТОК.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ВЛАДИКАВКАЗ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ВЛАДИМИР.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ВОЛГА.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ВОЛГОГРАД.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ВОЛОГДА.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ВОРОНЕЖ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ГОМЕЛЬ.РУС | 109 a (≈ $1.25) / 159 a (≈ $1.82) |
.ГРОДНО.РУС | 109 a (≈ $1.25) / 159 a (≈ $1.82) |
.ГРОЗНЫЙ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ДЕТИ | 931 a (≈ $10.64) |
.ЕКТ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ЕРЕВАН.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ИВАНОВО.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ИЖЕВСК.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ИРКУТСК.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.КАЗАНЬ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.КАЛИНИНГРАД.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.КАЛУГА.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.КЕМЕРОВО.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.КИЕВ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.КИРОВ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.КИШИНЕВ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.КОМ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.КОМ.РФ | 119 a (≈ $1.36) |
.КОМИ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.КОСТРОМА.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.КРАСНОДАР.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.КРАСНОЯРСК.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.КРЫМ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.КУРГАН.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.КУРСК.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.КЫЗЫЛ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ЛИПЕЦК.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.МАГАДАН.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.МАГАС.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.МАЙКОП.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.МАРИЙЭЛ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.МАРИЭЛ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.МАХАЧКАЛА.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.МЕД.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.МИНСК.РУС | 109 a (≈ $1.25) |
.МИР.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.МОГИЛЁВ.РУС | 109 a (≈ $1.25) / 159 a (≈ $1.82) |
.МОСКВА | 525 a (≈ $6) |
.МСК.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.МУЗЕЙ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.МУРМАНСК.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.НАЛЬЧИК.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.НАРЬЯН-МАР.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.НВС.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.НЕТ.РФ | 119 a (≈ $1.36) |
.НН.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.НОВОСИБИРСК.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ОМСК.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ОНЛАЙН | 4669 a (≈ $53.36) |
.ОРЁЛ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ОРГ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ОРГ.РФ | 119 a (≈ $1.36) |
.ОРЕНБУРГ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ПЕНЗА.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ПЕРМЬ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ПЕТРОЗАВОДСК.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ПСКОВ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ПЯТИГОРСК.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.РИГА.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.РОСТОВ-НА-ДОНУ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.РСТВ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.РУС | 249 a (≈ $2.85) / 590 a (≈ $6.74) |
.РФ | 200 a (≈ $2.29) / 490 a (≈ $5.6) |
.РЯЗАНЬ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.САЙТ | 4669 a (≈ $53.36) |
.САЛЕХАРД.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.САМАРА.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.САРАНСК.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.САРАТОВ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.СЕВАСТОПОЛЬ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.СИБИРЬ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.СИМФЕРОПОЛЬ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.СМОЛЕНСК.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.СОЧИ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.СПБ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.СТАВРОПОЛЬ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ТАЛЛИН.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ТАМБОВ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ТАШКЕНТ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ТВЕРЬ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ТЕАТР.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ТОМСК.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ТУЛА.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ТУР.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ТЮМЕНЬ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.УЛЬЯНОВСК.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.УФА.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ХАБАРОВСК.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ЧЕБОКСАРЫ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ЧЕЛЯБИНСК.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ЧЕРКЕССК.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ЧИТА.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ШКОЛА.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ЭЛИСТА.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ЮГРА.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.Я.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ЯКУТСК.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ЯРОСЛАВЛЬ.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.001.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.002.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.003.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.004.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.005.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.006.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.007.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.008.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.009.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.010.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.011.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.012.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.013.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.014.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.015.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.016.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.017.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.018.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.019.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.021.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.022.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.023.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.024.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.025.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.026.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.027.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.028.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.029.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.030.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.031.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.032.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.033.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.034.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.035.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.036.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.037.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.038.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.039.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.040.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.041.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.042.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.043.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.044.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.045.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.046.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.047.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.048.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.049.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.050.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.051.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.052.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.053.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.054.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.055.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.056.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.057.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.058.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.059.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.060.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.061.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.062.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.063.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.064.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.065.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.066.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.067.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.068.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.069.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.070.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.071.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.072.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.073.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.074.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.075.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.076.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.077.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.078.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.079.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.082.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.083.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.086.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.087.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.089.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.092.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.094.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.095.РУС | 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.ABKHAZIA.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.ACADEMY | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.ACCOUNTANT | 4174 a (≈ $47.7) |
.ACCOUNTANTS | 15310 a (≈ $174.97) |
.ACTOR | 5979 a (≈ $68.33) |
.ADULT | 16157 a (≈ $184.65) |
.ADYGEYA.RU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.ADYGEYA.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.AE.ORG | 3311 a (≈ $37.84) |
.AERO | 8350 a (≈ $95.43) |
.AGENCY | 3576 a (≈ $40.87) |
.AKTYUBINSK.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.APARTMENTS | 8452 a (≈ $96.59) |
.ARKHANGELSK.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.ARMENIA.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.ART | 4588 a (≈ $52.43) |
.ASHGABAD.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.ASIA | 3380 a (≈ $38.63) |
.ASSOCIATES | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.AT | 3484 a (≈ $39.82) |
.AUCTION | 5393 a (≈ $61.63) |
.AUDIO | 21919 a (≈ $250.5) |
.AZERBAIJAN.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.BALASHOV.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.BAND | 3490 a (≈ $39.89) |
.BAR | 10465 a (≈ $119.6) |
.BARGAINS | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.BASHKIRIA.RU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.BASHKIRIA.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.BEAUTY | 2438 a (≈ $27.86) |
.BEER | 5250 a (≈ $60) |
.BEST | 3438 a (≈ $39.29) |
.BID | 4174 a (≈ $47.7) |
.BIKE | 4370 a (≈ $49.94) |
.BINGO | 8452 a (≈ $96.59) |
.BIR.RU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.BIZ | 2334 a (≈ $26.67) / 2630 a (≈ $30.06) |
.BLACK | 10028 a (≈ $114.61) |
.BLACKFRIDAY | 21919 a (≈ $250.5) |
.BLUE | 3461 a (≈ $39.55) |
.BOUTIQUE | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.BR.COM | 7463 a (≈ $85.29) |
.BROKER | 5014 a (≈ $57.3) |
.BRYANSK.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.BUILDERS | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.BUKHARA.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.BUSINESS | 4013 a (≈ $45.86) |
.BY | 2679 a (≈ $30.62) |
.BZ | 4738 a (≈ $54.15) |
.CAB | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.CAFE | 4899 a (≈ $55.99) |
.CAMERA | 6163 a (≈ $70.43) |
.CAMP | 7520 a (≈ $85.94) |
.CAPITAL | 7350 a (≈ $84) |
.CARDS | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.CARE | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.CAREERS | 8084 a (≈ $92.39) |
.CASH | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.CASINO | 25863 a (≈ $295.58) |
.CATERING | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.CBG.RU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.CC | 4577 a (≈ $52.31) |
.CENTER | 3104 a (≈ $35.47) |
.CH | 2570 a (≈ $29.37) |
.CHAT | 5393 a (≈ $61.63) |
.CHEAP | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.CHIMKENT.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.CHRISTMAS | 8763 a (≈ $100.15) |
.CHURCH | 4945 a (≈ $56.51) |
.CITY | 3490 a (≈ $39.89) |
.CLAIMS | 8084 a (≈ $92.39) |
.CLEANING | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.CLICK | 2472 a (≈ $28.25) |
.CLINIC | 7578 a (≈ $86.61) |
.CLOTHING | 4420 a (≈ $50.51) |
.CLUB | 2780 a (≈ $31.77) |
.CN.COM | 3530 a (≈ $40.34) / 8590 a (≈ $98.17) |
.COACH | 8694 a (≈ $99.36) |
.CODES | 7578 a (≈ $86.61) |
.COFFEE | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.COLLEGE | 11718 a (≈ $133.92) |
.COM | 2254 a (≈ $25.76) / 2580 a (≈ $29.49) |
.COMMUNITY | 4807 a (≈ $54.94) |
.COMPANY | 2966 a (≈ $33.9) |
.COMPUTER | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.CONDOS | 7578 a (≈ $86.61) |
.CONSTRUCTION | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.CONSULTING | 4945 a (≈ $56.51) |
.CONTRACTORS | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.COOKING | 4600 a (≈ $52.57) |
.COOL | 4508 a (≈ $51.52) |
.COUPONS | 7831 a (≈ $89.5) |
.CREDIT | 15310 a (≈ $174.97) |
.CREDITCARD | 22490 a (≈ $257.03) |
.CRICKET | 11798 a (≈ $134.83) |
.CRUISES | 7578 a (≈ $86.61) |
.DAGESTAN.RU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.DAGESTAN.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.DANCE | 3783 a (≈ $43.23) |
.DATE | 4370 a (≈ $49.94) |
.DATING | 7350 a (≈ $84) |
.DE.COM | 4301 a (≈ $49.15) |
.DEALS | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.DEGREE | 9683 a (≈ $110.66) |
.DELIVERY | 8694 a (≈ $99.36) |
.DENTAL | 7578 a (≈ $86.61) |
.DENTIST | 7509 a (≈ $85.82) |
.DESI | 2300 a (≈ $26.29) |
.DESIGN | 7302 a (≈ $83.45) |
.DIAMONDS | 7578 a (≈ $86.61) |
.DIET | 21919 a (≈ $250.5) |
.DIGITAL | 4945 a (≈ $56.51) |
.DIRECT | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.DIRECTORY | 3300 a (≈ $37.71) |
.DISCOUNT | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.DOG | 8015 a (≈ $91.6) |
.DOMAINS | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.DOWNLOAD | 4174 a (≈ $47.7) |
.EAST-KAZAKHSTAN.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.EDUCATION | 3576 a (≈ $40.87) |
4059 a (≈ $46.39) | |
.ENERGY | 17606 a (≈ $201.21) |
.ENGINEER | 5030 a (≈ $57.49) |
.ENGINEERING | 8084 a (≈ $92.39) |
.ENTERPRISES | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.EQUIPMENT | 3392 a (≈ $38.77) |
.ESTATE | 4519 a (≈ $51.65) |
.EU.COM | 4301 a (≈ $49.15) |
.EVENTS | 4542 a (≈ $51.91) |
.EXCHANGE | 4404 a (≈ $50.33) |
.EXNET.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.EXPERT | 7647 a (≈ $87.39) |
.EXPOSED | 3392 a (≈ $38.77) |
.EXPRESS | 4899 a (≈ $55.99) |
.FAIL | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.FAITH | 4370 a (≈ $49.94) |
.FAMILY | 4600 a (≈ $52.57) |
.FANS | 1862 a (≈ $21.28) |
.FARM | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.FASHION | 5290 a (≈ $60.46) |
.FINANCE | 8200 a (≈ $93.71) |
.FINANCIAL | 7578 a (≈ $86.61) |
.FISH | 4807 a (≈ $54.94) |
.FISHING | 4600 a (≈ $52.57) |
.FIT | 5393 a (≈ $61.63) |
.FITNESS | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.FLIGHTS | 7578 a (≈ $86.61) |
.FLORIST | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.FLOWERS | 21919 a (≈ $250.5) |
.FO | 12178 a (≈ $139.18) |
.FOOTBALL | 4013 a (≈ $45.86) |
.FOREX | 7164 a (≈ $81.87) |
.FORSALE | 5635 a (≈ $64.4) |
.FOUNDATION | 4807 a (≈ $54.94) |
.FUN | 4588 a (≈ $52.43) |
.FUND | 8084 a (≈ $92.39) |
.FURNITURE | 8084 a (≈ $92.39) |
.FUTBOL | 2140 a (≈ $24.46) |
.FYI | 4013 a (≈ $45.86) |
.GALLERY | 2966 a (≈ $33.9) |
.GAMES | 3576 a (≈ $40.87) |
.GARDEN | 5290 a (≈ $60.46) |
.GB.NET | 5842 a (≈ $66.77) |
.GD | 6163 a (≈ $70.43) |
.GEORGIA.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.GIFT | 3280 a (≈ $37.49) |
.GIFTS | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.GIVES | 4358 a (≈ $49.81) |
.GLASS | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.GLOBAL | 12040 a (≈ $137.6) |
.GOLD | 17606 a (≈ $201.21) |
.GOLF | 8199 a (≈ $93.7) |
.GR.COM | 3254 a (≈ $37.19) |
.GRAPHICS | 3392 a (≈ $38.77) |
.GRATIS | 4140 a (≈ $47.31) |
.GREEN | 13098 a (≈ $149.69) |
.GRIPE | 4657 a (≈ $53.22) |
.GROZNY.RU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.GROZNY.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.GUIDE | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.GUITARS | 21919 a (≈ $250.5) |
.GURU | 4945 a (≈ $56.51) |
.HAIR | 2438 a (≈ $27.86) |
.HAUS | 4013 a (≈ $45.86) |
.HEALTHCARE | 8084 a (≈ $92.39) |
.HELP | 5255 a (≈ $60.06) |
.HIPHOP | 16859 a (≈ $192.67) |
.HOCKEY | 7612 a (≈ $86.99) |
.HOLDINGS | 7350 a (≈ $84) |
.HOLIDAY | 7578 a (≈ $86.61) |
.HORSE | 4600 a (≈ $52.57) |
.HOST | 17192 a (≈ $196.48) |
.HOSTING | 62170 a (≈ $710.51) |
.HOUSE | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.HU.NET | 6784 a (≈ $77.53) |
.IMMO | 5393 a (≈ $61.63) |
.INDUSTRIES | 4807 a (≈ $54.94) |
.INFO | 3668 a (≈ $41.92) |
.INK | 4186 a (≈ $47.84) |
.INSTITUTE | 3392 a (≈ $38.77) |
.INSURE | 8084 a (≈ $92.39) |
.INTERNATIONAL | 3576 a (≈ $40.87) |
.INVESTMENTS | 15310 a (≈ $174.97) |
.IO | 9556 a (≈ $109.21) |
.IVANOVO.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.JAMBYL.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.JEWELRY | 8026 a (≈ $91.73) |
.JP.COM | 7164 a (≈ $81.87) |
.JP.NET | 2438 a (≈ $27.86) |
.JPN.COM | 6106 a (≈ $69.78) |
.KALMYKIA.RU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.KALMYKIA.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.KALUGA.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.KARACOL.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.KARAGANDA.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.KARELIA.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.KAUFEN | 4059 a (≈ $46.39) |
.KHAKASSIA.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.KITCHEN | 7520 a (≈ $85.94) |
.KRASNODAR.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.KURGAN.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.KUSTANAI.RU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.KUSTANAI.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.KZ | 1990 a (≈ $22.74) |
.LA | 14317 a (≈ $163.62) |
.LAND | 4496 a (≈ $51.38) |
.LC | 4117 a (≈ $47.05) |
.LEASE | 7578 a (≈ $86.61) |
.LEGAL | 8694 a (≈ $99.36) |
.LENUG.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.LGBT | 4680 a (≈ $53.49) |
.LI | 2950 a (≈ $33.71) |
.LIFE | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.LIGHTING | 3392 a (≈ $38.77) |
.LIMITED | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.LIMO | 7578 a (≈ $86.61) |
.LINK | 1678 a (≈ $19.18) |
.LIVE | 4600 a (≈ $52.57) |
.LOAN | 4174 a (≈ $47.7) |
.LOANS | 15310 a (≈ $174.97) |
.LOL | 5140 a (≈ $58.74) |
.LUXURY | 5727 a (≈ $65.45) |
.MAKEUP | 2438 a (≈ $27.86) |
.MANAGEMENT | 3392 a (≈ $38.77) |
.MANGYSHLAK.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.MARINE.RU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.MARKET | 4059 a (≈ $46.39) |
.MARKETING | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.MARKETS | 2576 a (≈ $29.44) |
.MBA | 5393 a (≈ $61.63) |
.ME | 2932 a (≈ $33.51) |
.MEDIA | 5048 a (≈ $57.69) |
.MEMORIAL | 8694 a (≈ $99.36) |
.MEN | 4485 a (≈ $51.26) |
.MENU | 5670 a (≈ $64.8) |
.MN | 8210 a (≈ $93.83) |
.MOBI | 6250 a (≈ $71.43) |
.MODA | 4600 a (≈ $52.57) |
.MONEY | 5393 a (≈ $61.63) |
.MONSTER | 2150 a (≈ $24.57) |
.MORDOVIA.RU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.MORDOVIA.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.MORTGAGE | 8487 a (≈ $96.99) |
.MOSCOW | 525 a (≈ $6) |
.MOVIE | 49840 a (≈ $569.6) |
.MSK.RU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.MSK.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.MURMANSK.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.MYTIS.RU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.NALCHIK.RU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.NALCHIK.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.NAME | 1410 a (≈ $16.11) |
.NAVOI.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.NET | 1931 a (≈ $22.07) / 2510 a (≈ $28.69) |
.NET.RU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.NETWORK | 4013 a (≈ $45.86) |
.NEWS | 4600 a (≈ $52.57) |
.NORTH-KAZAKHSTAN.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.NOV.RU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.NOV.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.OBNINSK.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.ONL | 3173 a (≈ $36.26) |
.ONLINE | 5727 a (≈ $65.45) |
.OOO | 5120 a (≈ $58.51) |
.ORG | 2010 a (≈ $22.97) / 2210 a (≈ $25.26) |
.ORG.RU | 563 a (≈ $6.43) |
.PARTNERS | 7350 a (≈ $84) |
.PARTS | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.PARTY | 4340 a (≈ $49.6) |
.PENZA.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.PET | 3311 a (≈ $37.84) |
.PHOTO | 5650 a (≈ $64.57) |
.PHOTOGRAPHY | 3576 a (≈ $40.87) |
.PHOTOS | 2966 a (≈ $33.9) |
.PICS | 5255 a (≈ $60.06) |
.PICTURES | 1830 a (≈ $20.91) |
.PINK | 3311 a (≈ $37.84) |
.PIZZA | 9430 a (≈ $107.77) |
.PL | 1989 a (≈ $22.73) / 3461 a (≈ $39.55) |
.PLACE | 4600 a (≈ $52.57) |
.PLUMBING | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.PLUS | 6129 a (≈ $70.05) |
.POKER | 9740 a (≈ $111.31) |
.POKROVSK.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.PP.RU | 529 a (≈ $6.05) |
.PRESS | 13604 a (≈ $155.47) |
.PRO | 3932 a (≈ $44.94) / 4163 a (≈ $47.58) |
.PRODUCTIONS | 4807 a (≈ $54.94) |
.PROPERTIES | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.PROPERTY | 21919 a (≈ $250.5) |
.PROTECTION | 378630 a (≈ $4327.2) |
.PUB | 3806 a (≈ $43.5) |
.PW | 3944 a (≈ $45.07) |
.PYATIGORSK.RU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.QUEST | 2438 a (≈ $27.86) |
.RACING | 4174 a (≈ $47.7) |
.RECIPES | 8084 a (≈ $92.39) |
.RED | 3311 a (≈ $37.84) |
.REHAB | 5784 a (≈ $66.1) |
.REISEN | 4140 a (≈ $47.31) |
.RENT | 11718 a (≈ $133.92) |
.RENTALS | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.REPAIR | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.REPORT | 2944 a (≈ $33.65) |
.REST | 5198 a (≈ $59.41) |
.RESTAURANT | 8084 a (≈ $92.39) |
.REVIEW | 4370 a (≈ $49.94) |
.REVIEWS | 3806 a (≈ $43.5) |
.RIP | 2737 a (≈ $31.28) |
.ROCKS | 2438 a (≈ $27.86) |
.RODEO | 4600 a (≈ $52.57) |
.RU | 200 a (≈ $2.29) / 490 a (≈ $5.6) |
.RU.COM | 21482 a (≈ $245.51) |
.RU.NET | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.RUN | 3173 a (≈ $36.26) |
.SA.COM | 6106 a (≈ $69.78) |
.SALE | 5393 a (≈ $61.63) |
.SCHOOL | 5635 a (≈ $64.4) |
.SCHULE | 3490 a (≈ $39.89) |
.SCIENCE | 4968 a (≈ $56.78) |
.SE.NET | 6060 a (≈ $69.26) |
.SECURITY | 378630 a (≈ $4327.2) |
.SERVICES | 4807 a (≈ $54.94) |
.SEXY | 4577 a (≈ $52.31) |
.SHOES | 7808 a (≈ $89.23) |
.SHOP | 5589 a (≈ $63.87) |
.SHOW | 5393 a (≈ $61.63) |
.SINGLES | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.SITE | 6048 a (≈ $69.12) |
.SKIN | 2438 a (≈ $27.86) |
.SOCCER | 3771 a (≈ $43.1) |
.SOCHI.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.SOCIAL | 4820 a (≈ $55.09) |
.SOFTWARE | 5784 a (≈ $66.1) |
.SOLAR | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.SOLUTIONS | 3576 a (≈ $40.87) |
.SPACE | 4588 a (≈ $52.43) |
.SPB.RU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.SPB.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.STORAGE | 110860 a (≈ $1266.97) |
.STORE | 9499 a (≈ $108.56) |
.STUDIO | 4600 a (≈ $52.57) |
.STYLE | 5393 a (≈ $61.63) |
.SU | 500 a (≈ $5.71) |
.SUPPLIES | 3392 a (≈ $38.77) |
.SUPPLY | 3392 a (≈ $38.77) |
.SUPPORT | 3576 a (≈ $40.87) |
.SURF | 5250 a (≈ $60) |
.SURGERY | 7578 a (≈ $86.61) |
.SYSTEMS | 3576 a (≈ $40.87) |
.TASHKENT.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.TATAR | 609 a (≈ $6.96) |
.TATTOO | 7888 a (≈ $90.15) |
.TAX | 8084 a (≈ $92.39) |
.TAXI | 7612 a (≈ $86.99) |
.TEAM | 5393 a (≈ $61.63) |
.TECHNOLOGY | 3576 a (≈ $40.87) |
.TEL | 1860 a (≈ $21.26) |
.TENNIS | 8452 a (≈ $96.59) |
.TERMEZ.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.THEATER | 7612 a (≈ $86.99) |
.THEATRE | 110860 a (≈ $1266.97) |
.TIPS | 3576 a (≈ $40.87) |
.TIRES | 16870 a (≈ $192.8) |
.TODAY | 3311 a (≈ $37.84) |
.TOGLIATTI.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.TOOLS | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.TOURS | 8199 a (≈ $93.7) |
.TOWN | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.TOYS | 7520 a (≈ $85.94) |
.TRADE | 3035 a (≈ $34.69) |
.TRADING | 2863 a (≈ $32.72) |
.TRAINING | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.TRAVEL | 17526 a (≈ $200.3) |
.TROITSK.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.TSELINOGRAD.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.TULA.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.TUVA.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.TV | 6390 a (≈ $73.03) |
.UK.COM | 6060 a (≈ $69.26) |
.UK.NET | 6060 a (≈ $69.26) |
.UNIVERSITY | 7578 a (≈ $86.61) |
.UNO | 3438 a (≈ $39.29) |
.US.COM | 3311 a (≈ $37.84) |
.US.ORG | 3311 a (≈ $37.84) |
.VACATIONS | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.VC | 6278 a (≈ $71.75) |
.VENTURES | 7350 a (≈ $84) |
.VG | 6163 a (≈ $70.43) |
.VIDEO | 4600 a (≈ $52.57) |
.VILLAS | 7350 a (≈ $84) |
.VISION | 4807 a (≈ $54.94) |
.VLADIKAVKAZ.RU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.VLADIKAVKAZ.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.VLADIMIR.RU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.VLADIMIR.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.VODKA | 4390 a (≈ $50.17) |
.VOLOGDA.SU | 220 a (≈ $2.51) |
.VOTE | 13523 a (≈ $154.55) |
.VOTING | 15340 a (≈ $175.31) |
.VOYAGE | 7350 a (≈ $84) |
.WATCH | 4945 a (≈ $56.51) |
.WEBCAM | 4174 a (≈ $47.7) |
.WEBSITE | 5796 a (≈ $66.24) |
.WEDDING | 5543 a (≈ $63.35) |
.WIKI | 4186 a (≈ $47.84) |
.WIN | 4174 a (≈ $47.7) |
.WN5.RU | 204 a (≈ $2.33) / 110 a (≈ $1.26) |
.WORK | 1253 a (≈ $14.32) |
.WORKS | 4945 a (≈ $56.51) |
.WORLD | 5393 a (≈ $61.63) |
.WS | 4036 a (≈ $46.13) |
.WTF | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
.XYZ | 2046 a (≈ $23.38) |
.YOGA | 6037 a (≈ $68.99) |
.ZA.COM | 8211 a (≈ $93.84) |
.ZONE | 4690 a (≈ $53.6) |
The price of international domains changes daily due to the exchange rate. Check the current price in your personal account.
Check a domain name for availability in Mchost
A domain is the name of a website on the Internet. For example, the domain name of our website is mchost.ru. It reflects the name of our company — Mchost. A website creation usually starts with choosing and registering a domain. However, a problem may await novice webmasters here: many names have not been available for a long time. Therefore, it is important to check the domain for availability, and only then approve it. You can check for availability using a special tool on our website..
How to choose the right domain for your website
In order not to make a mistake with the choice, adhere to the following rules:
- Do not use domains similar to well-known brands as the site name. For example: avlto, vkk, vk0ntake and so on. You may be mistaken for fraudsters, and search engines will not bring your project to the first positions in the search.
- Try to avoid numbers, double letters and dashes if they are not in your brand name. Otherwise, there is a high chance of a typo when manually typing.
- Brevity is the sister of talent. Use simple short names. Too long and complex names are harder to remember and perceived by users.
- Pay attention to the domain zone. If the domain you are interested in is occupied in the .RU zone, try checking its availability in the .NET, .COM zones, and so on.
- If you operate in Russia, then use domains in the .RU zone. If your audience is located all over the world, then we recommend registering a name in international zones, for example, .COM, .ORG and others.
- Make sure that the words that make up the future name of the site reflect its content. For example, mchost.ru reflects the direction of our activity — hosting services.
- Use your brand name to stand out from sites with similar content.
Popular domain zones
- RU — national top-level domain for Russia. Great for promotion among the Russian audience.
- COM is an international top-level domain (TLD) that is suitable for websites for a foreign audience. Initially distributed among commercial organizations, but now there is no such distinction.
- NET — a common area that comes from the word “network”.
- ORG is one of the first top-level domains, originally intended for non-profit organizations.
- РФ is the first Cyrillic top-level domain on the Internet.
On Mchost website, you can not only check the domain name for availability, but also register the one you liked. You can do this from a handy control panel. Promotion valid: on shared hosting plans (except for Constructor, Mac-3 plans) and VPS, when you pay for hosting services 12–36 months in advance, you get free registration or renewal of one domain name in .RU or .РФ zones to choose from. To receive a bonus, you need to send a request via the control panel.
How do I check if a domain name is free?
Enter the name you need in the special field and click on the “Check Domain” button. After the verification is completed, two options are possible:
- If the name is not available, a warning will be displayed on the screen: “Domain busy”. Similar options in other zones will be offered below.
- If the name is free, you will see the current price and the “Buy”, button.
It is possible to enter a name without indicating a specific zone: our service will find and offer several free options.
Why register a domain name?
A domain is a unique, easy-to-understand site designation consisting of text and numbers. It is a necessary element of a web resource address on the Internet and is needed in order to identify a website or email address on the Network.
How much does a domain for a website cost?
The price depends on the chosen domain zone, as well as the popularity of the name itself.
How do I register a domain?
- Check it for availability via a special service.
- Sign up for billing panel.
- Complete the registration form.
- Specify NS servers (you can use Mchost servers).
- Pay for the service in a convenient way.
Activation may take a while.
See also
Domains registration
from 109 a per month
(≈ $1.25) -
Domain .RU
200 a per year
(≈ $2.29) -
Domain .WS
4036 a per year
(≈ $46.13)